
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Little Story (Dream One Day On Campus)

Hot, thirsty, hungry .. yahhh habit if returned to college, the road from campus. better if its straight path, unfortunately, steep road (not very steep-steep hell) only down the mountain .. hadewwwhhh,, get ready to compress rented my feet. I see the clock, for a long time it does at 12, right out of his class at 12 usually does .. which already can not stand ya stomach, that there are invites to play music continues, still good if jazz or rock, there is rumbling which (: D) just imagine how it feels .. Want to license out, afraid to get spray, wait until the clock finally selesei deh! : D"Yaaa that is make tasks at home, yes,, collect college card" yeeahhhhhhhhh finally said - said the rescuers came,, hahahaha ... is fixed up from the long dream! hahahmmm,, his name is also a child to college, where-where it should be like that, must abide by the rules (even lecture me) haha ​​..
Outgoing first eagerly ran to the canteen .. teng tong .. "Still no rice mas?" wah out de '... living water!Huh? jg new spirit-a spirit ran from the classroom, uh do not even have results .. hahaha ..mending me back to class, took my bag and hold back! eh kok ya been quiet in class, I thought! wow was my friend at home all ... I definitely a right today,,: '(not what - what deh .. semngat! with tergontai me down the stairs, almost falling uh! fortunately there is the handle .. haha,,more ... my story was on the road ya,, waiting for motorcycles,, motorcycle taxis ntah why so quiet, what because it was day yah ... I jah lyrics at = 12:38 pm pantasan already nih .. forced, with a heavy heart I walk home,, diseased my legs have started to respond (Animashaun: D) .. might come to the house,, spirit  yourself it's okay is calculated for remove hungry haha,,
toenkkkkk .... yes yes, finally got contracted as well,, the mirror briefly see my face who untidy not know how to model like what .. checking purses,, yahhhh grateful there are still 20 thousand,, hahaha,, still get one ya chicken rice (quasi-luxury) .. bottle pants, shirts DIERY flops sandals .. slid into the aunt .. hahaha ... Ultimately, my goal from the campus earlier reached also ... hahahaha ...

Kamus : Googletranslate :D

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